Event Proposal

All college events that fall outside of already approved departmental strategic plans and routine activities require pre-approval of Dean, Supervisor, and/or Cost Center Owner. The event requestor, (you), must complete this form and obtain required signatures at least 8 weeks in advance of the proposed event date. In addition, any event that involves external organizations, agencies, and/or other higher education institutions must also be approved by the Executive Team. 

Upon the Vice President of Finance & Facilities approval, the event requestor will be notified and Facilities, Room Scheduling, Academic and Technology Services, Communications, and Public Safety will receive copies of this form as notification that the event requestor may be requesting services from their areas in support of this event.

Indicates required field
Event Information

Meeting, Conference, Etc...

Event Date(s)

You can select up to five (5) separate dates within one year from today. If you need to arrange more than 5 dates please submit this form a second time.

The following two fields request the total time it will take to set up, have the event, and then clean up afterward.

Agreement & Billing Info

Detail information and description will appear publicly on the NHCC Calendar.

Audio visual, IT, or other requirements, (Be as detailed as possible).

Fees will be provided by Finance and Facilities Admin.

Event Type

By checking this box I certify that the information I have provided is true and correct.

Sign above